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November 17-19th 2023, Ngāi Tūpoto Marae,
Motukaraka, Hokianga
, Aotearoa

Mauri Ora Mai Tawhito Wānanga

November 17-19th 2023
Ngāi TÅ«poto Marae, Motukaraka, Hokianga, Far North, NZ
  • Rangikohu Marae
Ngāi TÅ«poto Marae, Motukaraka, Hokianga
Promoting the importance of Mauri through dynamic sharing and learning together in our communities


Te Rarawa Anga Mua in partnership with  Te Aho TÅ« Roa (Toimata Foundation) are honoured to be supporting Ngāi TÅ«poto Marae in Motukaraka, Hokianga host the 8th 'Mauri Ora Mai Tawhito Wānanga'  on the 15-19th November, 2023.


Following on from previous successful wananga, with the first at #1: Te Ahu, Kaitaia 2015, the first Marae-based wānanga held in #2: Whangape 2016, #3: Pawarenga 2017, #4: Panguru 2018, #5: Waiparera 2020, #6: Roma Marae, #7 Rangikohu Marae. This 8th wānanga also offers unlimited possibilities with a high calibre of speakers and an exciting programme on offer.  It includes a haerenga to generate dynamic conversations about our history, our places, our taonga and their significance to various sites of cultural significance to Ngāi TÅ«poto Marae & Te Rarawa Kaiwhare. The intention is to reconnect whanau, hapu and iwi - while learning the importance of mauri; of the whenuamoana, ngāhere, tangata, whānau and mauri ora.


The 'Mauri ora mai Tawhito' concept began through the realisation that Kaumatua and Kuia knowledge is an absolute taonga (treasure).


˜A challenge was presented in the form of a question – “If the origins of whakapapa identified possible solutions to maintaining Maori wellbeing of the past, can the same matauranga hold the answers to restore Maori wellbeing today”?


"Whakapapa is the sacred strand that interweaves the life force of all creation"

With this realisation came the understanding that many of the solutions required for our current social and economic climate can be found within the experiences and inter-generational Māori mātauranga (knowledge) of our elders transferred or (passed down) over time.

We are privileged throughout the wānanga to have some of our Kuia / Kaumatua on our Mauri haerenga to share their stories and history with us - to help reconnect us with the importance of mauri in the past, present and future. 


 "Ehara ēnei taonga mōku akeengari mo te rau tangata"  

(Makiha, T, 2014) 

(What I know is not for me to keep, but to share with others)


One of the main outcomes of this wānanga is that we hope it will re-ignitespark, or energy to take back to our marae, getting people to understand mauri – understand the greatness of what is within them.  



"Ehara tāku toa, he takitahi, he toa takitini" 

This wānanga offers unlimited possibilities with the high calibre of the speakers identified and the exciting programme on offer.  

'E kore au e ngaro, he kākano i ruia mai i Rangiatea"  

(I will never be lost for I am a seed scattered from the heavens of Rangiatea - born of greatness)

To acknowledge mauri as a practical way to help restore wellbeing in our whanau, hapu, iwi, utilising mauri paradigm to empower innovative Maori solutions and to share our own stories, our history that will help re-connect ourselves back to our turangawaewae, our tribual lands.


Kei ngā kaiwhiri i Te Aho Tū Roa e tūhonohono nei i a tātou ki a tātou;
i a tātou ki ngā mātua tūpuna; i a tātou ki taiao e!
Tēnā koutou! Tēnā koutou! Tēnā tātou katoa!






Whakapā mai / Contact Us

Mehemea, kei a koe ngā patai e pā ana ki te wānanga nei, tēnā whakapā mai ki a Jo Murray,  0211380413 

For other questions and comments contact Jo Murray, email  0211380413 

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